Announcement : 

Nau mai, haere mai – Welcome to the Te Aro School Website

Vision and Values

Manaaki tangata – Tiaki Whenua – Kake Tonu
To show respect, generosity, and care for others – To care for and protect the land – Ever Upwards


The purpose of a vision statement is to give us all something to aim for together. We want to know what our families most value at Te Aro School, and what we want for our children as they grow and learn. To create this statement, we reflect on our whakapapa or history, our core values, and our collective aspirations as an extended school whānau.


Many of you will remember that last year we asked all of our community – including whānau, staff and students – their thoughts on what our school vision should be, and how we should be planning for the next three to five years. We were thrilled with the response to our survey, and have continued to reflect on what was shared, albeit more slowly than we originally planned!

The Survey

We heard that many aspects of our school are enjoyed, celebrated, and valued. Three of the key attributes of our kura shared by staff, students and community include diversity, inclusivity, and care. Our aspirations for rangatahi leaving the school focus on attributes such as confidence, kindness, and curiosity. Below you can see word clouds of the responses to these two questions, to give you a broader indication of the qualities and values that our community felt were most important about our school:

What are three words that best describe Te Aro School?

Word that describe Te Aro

What are three words that describe what a Te Aro School leaver should be like?

Te Aro School Leaver

We also heard some suggestions through the final survey question. Some are to do with our vision and planning, and others to do more with the day-to-day running of the school. These are critical to shaping our vision statement, but also present an opportunity for the Board and staff to gauge and respond to how our community is feeling as we emerge from two particularly challenging years.

What Next?

Next the Board of Trustees, in conjunction with staff and our community, needs to continue to work through what was shared, in order to produce a refreshed school vision, to give us all something to aim for together.
During our reflections we have realised that an important next step for Te Aro School is to consider the ways we are responding to the principles of Te Tiriti o Waitangi. As a Board, we are committed to maintaining meaningful partnerships with Tangata Whenua, in particular, to enhance our relationships with Mana Whenua (Ngāti Toa Rangatira, Taranaki Whānui ki te Upoko o te Ika a Māui) in order to embed Te Tiriti throughout all aspects of teaching and learning at Te Aro School. We are therefore seeking to bring in a kaumātua to guide and support the Board in moving forward (and upwards).

Kake Tonu – Ever Upwards!


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